Friday 21 March 2014

ALZUMAb, Indian Psoriasis Drug

  • The first instance of a breakthrough innovation from India with a potential to treat multiple autoimmune diseases.
  • Biocon’s ALZUMAb™ (Itolizumab) is the first anti-CD6 monoclonal antibody to be commercialized, an outcome of path breaking research in India. This new line of treatment will usher in a paradigm shift in the management of psoriasis.
  • What makes this drug so special is that it is an antibody that targets a surface marker on T cells! The drug targets the CD6 surface receptor, binding to it and blocking activation of T cells in inflammatory environments within the body. The surface receptor, CD6, is also important for T-cell migration to sites of inflammation and maturation to become pro-inflammatory. 
  •  Reference:

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